Stepping Into the Great Gait Unknown – Scorebuilders

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Stepping Into the Great Gait Unknown


Gait is one of those skills that transcends nearly every system on the NPTE: MSK, neuro, cardiopulmonary, etc. It is therefore vital that students have a firm grasp on this topic. Nonetheless, gait can feel like a colossal task to comprehend. By taking a biomechanical approach to the various phases of gait, and combining them with application questions, learners will be begging for questions that assess gait on the NPTE. (Available on until November 18th or anytime on ACE)

Instructor: Casey Unverzagt, PT, DPT, DSc, OCS, SCS, FAAOMPT
Casey is a Clinical Associate Professor with the Baylor University DPT program. He works with an orthopaedic residency, ABPTRFE, Scorebuilders, and remains in clinical practice with a focus on orthopaedic and sports injuries.