Spotlight – Scorebuilders

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Spotlight Series

Our Spotlight Series offers educational sessions for students and faculty. Join our talented course instructors for a deep dive into a variety of academic and educational topics. The sessions are available on a two-week rotating basis at no cost.

Active Spotlight Series Offerings

Check out our currently available Spotlight Series offerings!

Our Bread and Butter in Musculoskeletal Care: A Deep Dive into 4 Common Diagnoses

The NPTE focuses on “the trenches” of PT: those conditions that are seen most frequently in clinical practice. What conditions might those be? Join us as we take a deep dive into four common MSK-related diagnoses that are commonly seen in the clinic, sure to show up on the NPTE, and vital for the learner to master.

Instructor: Casey Unverzagt, PT, DPT, DSc, OCS, SCS, FAAOMPT
Casey is a Clinical Associate Professor with the Baylor University DPT program. He works with an orthopaedic residency, ABPTRFE, Scorebuilders, and remains in clinical practice with a focus on orthopaedic and sports injuries.

Experts Do the Basics Well: The Orthopaedic Clinical Examination

The NPTE isn’t about what is latest and greatest in the world of physical therapy. Quite the contrary, the exam represents the foundational skills of our professional. Additionally, there is an emphasis on patient safety and identifying potential red flags. This Spotlight Series takes learners through the orthopedic clinical examination while looking at nuances to keep an eye out for in the clinic and on the NPTE.

Instructor: Casey Unverzagt, PT, DPT, DSc, OCS, SCS, FAAOMPT
Casey is a Clinical Associate Professor with the Baylor University DPT program. He works with an orthopaedic residency, ABPTRFE, Scorebuilders, and remains in clinical practice with a focus on orthpaedic and sports injuries.

Help with Wound Exam and Wound Dressings in Preparation for the NPTE

This session will focus on a review of the terminology associated with wound examination. The different types of wounds will be discussed and the webinar is designed to increase understanding of the association between wound characteristics and the appropriate choices for wound dressings and interventions.

Instructor: Holly Daniel, PT
Holly is an instructor and consultant for Scorebuilders, with over 25 years of clinical experience and over 10 years as a physical therapy educator. Holly is passionate about helping candidates pass the licensing examination.

Identifying and Remediating Academic Deficits

Students engage in a meaningful review of essential academic content prior to taking the National Physical Therapy Examination. The ability to identify problematic areas and develop effective remedial strategies significantly increases the probability of passing the examination.

Instructor: Scott Giles PT, DPT, MBA
Scott is the President of Scorebuilders and has been assisting students to pass the licensing examination for over three decades.

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What is Normal Anyway

This session will discuss typical motor milestones, reflexes and other aspects of typical development. We will also discuss tools used for developmental assessment.

Instructor: Beth Ennis, PT, EdD, PCS, ATP
Beth Ennis is a physical therapist with 28 years of clinical experience, 18 years of educational experience, and an instructor for Scorebuilders.

Prosthetics Review for the NPTE

Review the must-know prosthetics content for the NPTE exam. By the end of this session you will be able to: 1) focus on the MOST important areas of prosthetics for your NPTE study plan, 2) discriminate between different prosthetics devices and their uses, 3) discuss contraindications, precautions, and red-flags regarding prosthetics care, 4) prioritize areas of importance as it relates to prosthetics and the NPTE. Practice questions and answering strategies will be presented throughout the course.

Instructor: Daniel J. Lee, PT, DPT, PhD, GCS, COMT
Daniel is a faculty member in the Physical Therapy program at Touro College in Bayshore, NY and a Scorebuilders instructor. He has written numerous scientific manuscripts on limb loss rehabilitation and presents nationally on the topic.

Clinical Decision Making in Acute Care

Explore the role of physical therapy in the acute care setting. The session will review how physical therapists obtain, utilize, and integrate information in the acute care setting and how that information supports and guides clinical decision making. (Available on until November 18th or anytime on ACE)

Instructor: Gretchen Corcoran, PT, DPT, GCS
Gretchen is a faculty member at the University of Illinois at Chicago and an instructor for Scorebuilders. Gretchen is a Geriatric Clinical Specialist with fifteen years of clinical experience in the acute care and subacute rehabilitation settings and seven years as an educator.

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