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Spotlight Series

Our Spotlight Series offers educational sessions for students and faculty. Join our talented course instructors for a deep dive into a variety of academic and educational topics. The sessions are available on a two-week rotating basis at no cost.

Active Spotlight Series Offerings

Check out our currently available Spotlight Series offerings!

Our Bread and Butter in Musculoskeletal Care: A Deep Dive into 4 Common Diagnoses

The NPTE focuses on “the trenches” of PT: those conditions that are seen most frequently in clinical practice. What conditions might those be? Join us as we take a deep dive into four common MSK-related diagnoses that are commonly seen in the clinic, sure to show up on the NPTE, and vital for the learner to master.

Instructor: Casey Unverzagt, PT, DPT, DSc, OCS, SCS, FAAOMPT
Casey is a Clinical Associate Professor with the Baylor University DPT program. He works with an orthopaedic residency, ABPTRFE, Scorebuilders, and remains in clinical practice with a focus on orthopaedic and sports injuries.

MSK Review in Real-Time

The NPTE is made to represent what happens in the trenches of PT, not some lofty academic ideal. What better way to review MSK content than by jumping into the clinic by way of a patient examination! This Spotlight Series lecture is definitely unique and will take learners through a real-time patient evaluation while assessing the learner’s knowledge with over 30 related questions.

Instructor: Casey Unverzagt, PT, DPT, DSc, OCS, SCS, FAAOMPT
Casey is a Clinical Associate Professor with the Baylor University DPT program. He works with an orthopaedic residency, ABPTRFE, Scorebuilders, and remains in clinical practice with a focus on orthopaedic and sports injuries.

What Am I Doing Wrong? - Strategies for Assessment of Decision Making and Test Taking Errors

This session will focus on common reasons for higher numbers of decision making and test taking errors in an exam taker's portfolio. We will discuss reasons they occur, the need for developing a consistent strategy to change these patterns, and remediation strategies.

Instructor: Beth Ennis, PT, EdD, PCS, ATP
Beth Ennis is a physical therapist with 28 years of clinical experience, 18 years of educational experience, and an instructor for Scorebuilders.

Developing a Study Plan

Hope is not a strategy! Learn how to build an individualized study plan and effectively integrate licensing resources.

Instructor: Scott Giles PT, DPT, MBA
Scott is the President of Scorebuilders and has been assisting students to pass the licensing examination for over three decades.

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Need 2 Know: Hip

Review the must-know hip content for the NPTE. By the end of this session you will be able to: 1) focus on the MOST important areas of the hip for your NPTE study plan, 2) discriminate between different hip devices and their uses, 3) discuss contraindications, precautions, and red-flags regarding hip care, 4) prioritize areas of importance as it relates to the hip and the NPTE. Practice questions and answering strategies will be presented throughout the course.

Instructor: Daniel J. Lee, PT, DPT, PhD, GCS, COMT
Daniel is a faculty member in the Physical Therapy program at Touro College in Bayshore, NY and a Scorebuilders instructor. He has written numerous scientific manuscripts on limb loss rehabilitation and presents nationally on the topic.

Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Pharmacology for Dummies

Let's be honest, pharmacology is rarely a subject that PT students love taking, and the memorizing game can become exhausting. On the other hand, pharmacology can play a major role in a patient's recovery and should be highly considered when designing a patient's plan of care. This session will focus on pharmacology for the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. We will discuss the major pharmacological agents used with this patient population, their indications, contraindications and considerations for therapy and exercise.

Instructor: Eder Alejandro Garavito, PT, DPT, CCS
Eder is an assistant professor at the College of Saint Mary's DPT program and PRN staff physical therapist at Duke University Hospital with 8 years of clinical experience. He is a cardiovascular and pulmonary clinical specialist who truly enjoys his consulting work with Scorebuilders.

Tubes, Lines, and Medical Equipment

What do we use a Swan-Ganz for? What types of urinary catheters are there? How do I know what all these lines and tubes do? This session will review the common tubes, lines, and medical equipment we’ll see while treating our patients. We’ll discuss the function, location, complications and restrictions associated with each type of equipment.

Instructor: Jamie Dehan, PT, PhD, DPT, MS
Jamie is an instructor for Scorebuilders, with 14 years of clinical experience and 10 years as a physical therapy educator.

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