Preparing for the NPTE-PTA 2024: Understanding the New Blueprint and Changes
The National Physical Therapy Examination – PTA is undergoing significant changes in 2024, and it's...
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Our career hub includes articles by physical therapists and physical therapist assistants to help you succeed in your (PT and PTA) career.
The National Physical Therapy Examination – PTA is undergoing significant changes in 2024, and it's...
Having reached this point in your physical therapy career, completing your degree and passing your...
You have done it! You not only survived PTA school, but you have also successfully...
You entered the field of Physical therapy with the mindset of helping people heal. You...
It seems that you can open any media feed, listen or watch any news report,...
Establishing a professional network is a huge asset that will benefit you throughout your professional...
Effectively preparing for the NPTE is essential to ensure success on exam day.
We can all strive for balance with our physical, emotional, and mental health for good...
What can you do as a PTA student to initiate strategies that will help you...
Work life balance. Three little words that enter the conversation in physical therapy (PT) school.
Explore essential tips for effective time management that will help you excel academically, perform well...
Balancing academic commitments with clinical experiences while maintaining a semblance of personal life can be...