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Academic Solutions

Assisting PT and PTA programs to prepare students for the National Physical Therapy Examinations.

Working closely with hundreds of PT and PTA academic programs to identify and implement solutions to meet your unique needs.​

Utilize Scorebuilders' products throughout your academic program!​

Integrate our products easily into your curriculum

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    NPTE-PT Review Course

    • 2-Day Review Course completed on-campus or via webinar.
    • Assists students to pass on their first attempt.
    • Challenging multiple-choice questions, a myriad of study tools, and resources to increase mastery of essential content.
    • Includes a 240 page course manual.
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    Complete Study Guide Books

    • The most comprehensive review book both for the licensing exam and to improve academic mastery throughout the academic program.
    • One stop shopping for the vast majority of entry-level concepts.
    • Complete academic review and three full-length online exams - the most realistic available.
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    Basecamp – Review Tool

    • Significantly increase the efficiency of the academic review process.
    • Hundreds of academic assignments, 3,000 flash cards, 80 hours of videos, 6,000 multiple-choice questions that easily integrate into your curriculum.
    • Transforms trivial bits of time into meaningful bursts of learning.
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    Online Advantage

    • Offers academic programs the opportunity to administer a single exam or two exams (pretest/posttest).
    • Detailed performance analysis section generates individual and class data that can be used for student and programmatic assessment.
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    NPTE-PT Review Course

    • 2-Day Review Course completed on-campus or via webinar.
    • Assists students to pass on their first attempt.
    • Challenging multiple-choice questions, a myriad of study tools, and resources to increase mastery of essential content.
    • Includes a 240 page course manual.
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    Complete Study Guide Books

    • The most comprehensive review book both for the licensing exam and to improve academic mastery throughout the academic program.
    • One stop shopping for the vast majority of entry-level concepts.
    • Complete academic review and three full-length online exams - the most realistic available.
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    Basecamp – Review Tool

    • Significantly increase the efficiency of the academic review process.
    • Hundreds of academic assignments, 3,000 flash cards, 80 hours of videos, 6,000 multiple-choice questions that easily integrate into your curriculum.
    • Transforms trivial bits of time into meaningful bursts of learning.
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    Online Advantage

    • Offers academic programs the opportunity to administer a single exam or two exams (pretest/posttest).
    • Detailed performance analysis section generates individual and class data that can be used for student and programmatic assessment.

We’re ready to get your students ready!

We have the most comprehensive tools to your students ready for the NPTE blueprint changes.

  • 400+ scenario set questions to prep
  • 150+ video questions to practice
  • Content updated for the current exam blueprint
  • Helping 25k students a year prepare for the NPTE
  • Trusted by 600+ PT and PTA schools every year
  • 12,000 students attend our review courses annually​

35+ Years preparing students to pass the NPTE


Why Students Love Scorebuilders

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    "I absolutely love the explanation of answers in your resource. The breadth and depth far exceeded my expectations and they have served as an important resource for me when studying. My sample exam scores have been steadily trending upward and I am feeling very confident in my abilities to pass this exam! I cannot wait to be licensed!"



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    "Last year was my first year using Online Advantage as a mandatory exit exam for our class. I am happy to report that our pass rates improved."



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    "Thank you for helping me reach my goal of being a licensed PTA. I am quite sure this would have never happened without this book."



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    "I absolutely love the explanation of answers in your resource. The breadth and depth far exceeded my expectations and they served as an important resource for me when studying. I cannot wait to be licensed! Thank you!"



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    "Last year was our first year using Online Advantage as a mandatory exit exam and our pass rate for the class jumped to 97%. I am thrilled!"



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    "Wow! My score report gave me a pretty clear picture of where I need to spend more time studying. My first Online Advantage exam made me nervous, but after tweaking my study tactics based on my score, my second exam score was MUCH better!"



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    "Seeing my score compared to everyone else's who has ever taken this online test really helped my confidence. Being well above the middle of the pack is a pretty comfortable place to sit as exam day gets closer!"



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    "Wow! My score report gave me a pretty clear picture of where I need to spend more time studying. My first Online Advantage exam made me nervous, but after tweaking my study tactics based on my score, my second exam score was MUCH better!"



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    "Seeing my score compared to the score of others really helped my confidence. It allowed me to get a sense of the difficulty of each exam and then showed me how I stacked up to the competition."



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    "In graduate school it seems we as students are expected to "figure things out on our own." Oddly enough we do still need some guidance and this course provided the necessary direction to succeed! I feel like this course should be implemented by all DPT programs."



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    "Online Advantage has made a dramatic improvement in our pass rates- we had a 100% pass rate for last year's first time test takers."



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    "Your review book completely jump started my study plan. I have used the book with Basecamp and my exam scores have been steadily moving upward which is incredibly rewarding. Thank you!"



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    "Your review book completely jump started my study plan. I have used the book with Basecamp and my exam scores have been steadily moving upward which is incredibly rewarding. Thank you!"



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    "I attended your On-Campus Review Course and received free Basecamp access. I cannot express to you how much this tool has helped my academic content knowledge. I noticed an immediate increase in my sample exam scores and believe it was instrumental in helping me to pass the exam!"



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    "Congratulations on another quality product to prepare our students for the licensing exam. I am not sure when or if you and your staff actually sleep. That being said, keep it up!"



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    "Online Advantage has helped us make a dramatic improvement in our first time pass rates. In a two year period we were able to increase our rates by approximately 15%; very close to our goal of 100%"



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    "Online Advantage is an invaluable resource. Not only did it give me a detailed score report to find my weak areas, but it gave me the opportunity to take more sample exams!"



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    "Online Advantage is an invaluable resource. Not only did it give me a detailed score report to identify areas requiring remediation, but it gave me the opportunity to take more sample exams!"



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    "We love Scorebuilders' exam questions and find that they provide our students with the most realistic pre-exam experience possible. The explanations of each correct and incorrect answer allows students to not only assess their current decision making, but to identify their tendencies and make changes to improve exam performance. Keep up the great work!"



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    "Our students have never used a required resource as much as they have used Basecamp. Thanks for creating such an informative and creative study resource."



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    "I have consistently heard from former students that your company's sample examination questions are the most consistent with the content and difficulty level of the actual examination. Thank you!"



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    "Our school required that we purchase the Scorebuilders' review book which I was originally upset about since I had previously bought a book by another company. After using the book, I understand why your book was required. The Scorebuilders' book is superior in every way."



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    "Our last two classes of graduates have used the annual version of Basecamp with great success. Our plan is to have students purchase the program in their very first semester on campus and then continue to use Basecamp throughout their entire academic experience."



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    "I should have used ACE the first time! ACE has helped me to overcome the setback of not passing on my first attempt. Thank your Scorebuilders and thank you ACE! Now, on to the future!"



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    "I have consistently heard from former students that your company's sample examination questions are the most consistent with the content and difficulty level of the actual examination. Thank you!"



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    "Content Master definitely hits the highlights and then some. It was pretty cool to be taking my exam and thinking, "ok, that information was on a green card..." and know I had the information down. First time pass!"



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    "Content Master definitely hits the highlights and then some. It was pretty cool to be taking my exam and think, "ok, that info was on a green card". The flash cards helped me pass the exam on the first attempt."



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    "I was going to say that I wished there was a table of contents or section by section list of topics, then I found the index in the back of my cards. Yes, there is an index! (only took me a week to notice it). That works! Thanks!"



  • image_fill
    "I was going to say that I wished there was a table of contents or section by section list of topics, then I found the index in the back of my cards. Yes, there is an index! (only took me a week to notice it...) That works! Thanks!"



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    "The new edition of your review book is incredible. Thank you for your commitment to excellence."



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    "I love the realistic computer based testing experience. This gives me confidence that I won't be thrown off by any big curve balls on test day. Dare I say? I feel READY!"



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    "I like being exposed to reliable sources of sample exams since it makes me feel pretty sure that I won't be thrown off by any big curve balls on test day. Dare I say...I feel READY!"



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    "I re-write most of my class notes using colored pens to help me remember certain things so the color-coded section of the flashcards were GREAT! Part of me wants to go back to some of my old notes and use the same colors just to reinforce the information."



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    "I re-write most of my class notes using colored pens to help me remember certain things so the color coded sections of the flashcards were GREAT for me! Frequent repetition of key academic information was critical for my learning."



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    "Being exposed to realistic exams certainly is a wake up call for some of our students. It's nice to have access to an outside source for a comprehensive exam so that students don't feel faculty are trying to make their lives unnecessarily difficult! Thanks for the great tool!"



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    "Your review book and Basecamp have been an incredible 1-2 combination. I just received news that I crushed the exam! I am so happy and believe your products helped me achieve this magical moment. Thank you!"



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    "Being exposed to realistic examinations certainly is a wake up call for some of our students. It's nice to have access to an outside source for a comprehensive exam so that students don't feel faculty are trying to make their lives unnecessarily difficult! Thanks for this great tool!"



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    "I have bought a lot of required books during my physical therapy education. I am happy to tell you that my most valuable and most utilized resource was your review book. I used this tremendous resource during my clinicals and of course when studying for the exam."



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    "It was not until I began the ACE program that I realized how little I knew about the NPTE-PT. After completing this program, I can honestly say I feel more informed, prepared, and confident. With a task as large as the NPTE-PT it is essential to address all areas of preparation and ACE has provided the foundation for success on the NPTE-PT."



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    "I have bought a lot of required books during my PTA education. I am happy to tell you that my most valuable and most utilized resource was your review book. I used this tremendous resource during my clinicals and of course when studying for the exam."



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    "The Scorebuilders' questions were similar to my actual exam and provided me with a better sense of my exam readiness. In addition, the explanations offered for the questions were incredibly detailed which helped me to understand "Why" certain answers were better than others. The video explanations with Dr. Giles have helped me to improve my decision making."



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    "Thank you for creating this incredible learning tool! I originally purchased 30 days of access but have enjoyed it so much I have purchased two separate extensions. The amount of material and the way the information is presented makes me forget I am studying. Is it possible that I am addicted to Basecamp?"



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    "Our students have always hosted a Scorebuilders' course on campus, but changes in the academic calendar made this impossible this year. We reluctantly moved to the online format and the feedback I have gathered has been nothing short of fantastic. I greatly appreciate Scorebuilders adding the online option and offering class pricing."



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    "I feel that taking a large number of sample exams was a huge part of why I passed the exam. The explanations were amazingly detailed and served as an additional academic review."



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    "I feel that taking a large number of sample exams was a huge part of why I passed the exam. The explanations were amazingly detailed and served as an additional academic review."



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    "Allowing the students to experience a formalized testing experience prior to the actual test has been very beneficial. We formally reserve the computer classroom and build in as much formality as possible to the testing experience. Thanks for offering such a great product!"



  • image_fill
    "Our students have always hosted a Scorebuilders' course on campus, but changes in the academic calendar made this nearly impossible this year. We reluctantly moved to the online format and the feedback I have gathered has been nothing short of fantastic. I greatly appreciate Scorebuilders offering a variety of course delivery models!"



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    "Not only is the Mountain and Trail theme fantastic, but I love the ability to focus on specific content in isolation. I have never seen so many sample questions in one place. I have several Scorebuilders products and am beyond a happy customer!"



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    "I took my flashcards with me on my latest clinical and felt like the kid with the newest toy. Some of the therapists at my site actually seemed a little jealous that they didn't have such a good tool available when they were studying."



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    "I took my flashcards with me on my latest clinical and felt like the kid with the newest toy. Some of the therapists at my clinical site seemed a little jealous that they didn't have such a good tool available when they were studying."

